6.2 - Electrical Engineering |
1 - Undergraduate |
University of Mons - Belgium |
6.9 - Others, Engineering |
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering |
French B2 |
Within this mobility, it is required to have succeeded the first two years of a Bachelor's Degree. Please check the prerequisite of each course (a full description of each course of the programme is provided on the website). The student must be registered at Bachelor level in his home university, and study in the same field of studies. Mobility of 10 months minimum. The application files must include a document that certifies his knowledge of French. The student must start the academic year on September 15th. No diploma will be given. |
1 |
See website |
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10 months between Sep 12 2015 and Jul 10 2016 |
Natacha Mainil for GĂ©raldine Berger (alfihri@umons.ac.be) |
Please consider the information provided for incoming students on our web pages: http://portail.umons.ac.be/EN2/universite/admin/aff_academiques/international/incoming/Pages/EtudiantsINCOMING.aspx |