4.9 - Others - Business Studies, Management Science |
1 - Undergraduate |
Humboldt University of Berlin - Germany |
Business Studies |
Business Administration |
German B2 |
Online test of German language proficiency (C-test) through the website of the HU Within this mobility it is required to be at least at the second year. Applicants in 1st and last degree year won’t be eligible Das erste Zulassungskriterium für die Zulassung zu einem konsekutiven Masterstudium BWL oder VWL an der HU zu Berlin ist ein erster berufsqualifizierender Hochschulabschluss im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Masterstudiengang BWL: Mindestens 24 ECTS sin |
Aim is to provide ground knowledge and skills in the field of economics. Students will take responsibility in business or administration tasks and solve economic problems using scientific methods. |
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10 months between Sep 1 2015 and Jul 1 2016 |
Erstberatung ausländische Studierende (erasmusmundus@hu-berlin.de) |
The applicant must belong to Target group 3 and he/she must be enrolled in a Bachelor degree program in his/her home country |