Detailed information about selected course/program
EU code
5.8 - Educational Psychology
2 - Master
Università degli studi di Padova - Italy
Developmental and educational Psychology (10 months)
Exchange Master (10 months) at the School of Psychology
Italian or English
Language requirements
Italian language knowledge, at least Level B2 to be proved with the following documents: language certificates, participation certificate to an Italian language course, transcript of records containing Italian language courses approved /Conoscenza dell'Italiano, almeno livello B2, da provare con i seguenti documenti: certificati di lingua, attestati di partecipazione a corsi di lingua italiana, certificati universitari con esami di lingua italiana approvati.
Academic requirements
Proof of registration in a Master course of a relevant area
UNIPD offers a large number of Master level course units held in English. Please check the link under "Homepage" section to see the academic offer in English. If you are also interested in the academic offer in Italian language please visit this link:
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10 months between Sep 1 2015 and Jul 1 2016
Contact person
International Relations Office - Administrative support (
Additional information
If you are an exchange Master applicant, please bear in mind that you will be able to attend course units at all the Schools of UNIPD. The full list of course units and the list of course units held in English language are available at the following link: